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Posted 11/13/2022 in Category 1 by Biz Bloomer

Can I have the Berry Farm and eat it too?

Can I have the Berry Farm and eat it too?


Let’s talk a little bit about what a sneaky little so and so Fear can be. The ultimate narcissist,

Fear uses Ego to manipulate and control us for its own selfish purposes. Fear speaks through

your Ego, telling you whatever it needs to in order to keep you safe, keep you from succeeding

in that thing that will change your life. Change is the unknown and the unknown is not safe. Fear

is the killer of dreams, Ego is the executioner.

Say you have a moment of inspiration or a long standing dream. Your spirit whispers, “Do this

thing” and you get all excited. Yes! Maybe I could do that and you imagine doing the thing or

living your dream. You’re an astronaut, a train engineer, a fashion designer. You make delicious

homemade jams and live on the cutest berry farm this side of the Okanagan Valley. You meet

the love of your life and ride off into the sunset. Right away Fear freaks out. “Wait! What? You’re

going to change EVERYTHING! I don’t know what’s going to happen!” Danger! Danger!

Warning alarms go off throughout your ecosystem. You know this feeling. You are prepared for

it. You say to your fear, “Not today, Buster! I’m going to go ahead and do this anyway. It will be

amazing.” Fear goes, “Okay, okay. I see” and levels up. Fear sees your courage and raises you

one Ego. Like a meddling mother-in-law, Fear tries another angle. I mean, it’s for your own

good anyway. Who knows what will happen if you go out and buy yourself a berry farm. You

could end up homeless and on the street. A wayward apple could fall on your head and put you

in a coma. The horrifying possibilities are endless. Fear just wants to protect you. So, he brings

out the big guns. If you won’t listen to reason, you will listen to self doubt. Fear tags Ego who all

too eagerly jumps the rope into the ring with a chair to the face screaming “You aren’t good

enough!” “People won’t like you!”, “You will fail”, “You’re too fat/ugly/dumb/insert adjective of

choice” and so on. Ego knows exactly what to say to bring you to your knees and keep you in

your place. Fear wins.

Maybe you’re on to Ego. You say your affirmations, positive self talk and all that jazz. You look

yourself dead in the eyes every morning and tell yourself how awesome you are to the tune of

Eye of the Tiger. You’ve got Ego on the ropes, or so you thought. Of course, Fear has a few

more tricks up its sleeves. Namely; distraction, procrastination and excuses. You dream about

your adorable berry farm and then you sigh because of the myriad of excuses for why you can’t

have it. No money, no time, too busy, kids sports, dishes, Netflix. And you tell your soul, One

Day and sit back down and binge watch Game of Thrones. One Day is where dreams go to die.

If you ever get to One Day you will just see a garbage heap of broken promises and shattered


My point is don’t let Ego drive the bus. His GPS is out and he only knows the way to One Day.

He will drive your dreams into a ditch and leave them there to die. When you find yourself

avoiding, dragging your feet, or listening to the garbage Ego drums up just ask yourself one

question, “Are you okay to look back on your life and wonder what it could have been like?”

Don’t be manipulated by Fear and his bully.

Do it anyway. Awesomeness awaits.

Posted By

Biz Bloomer

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